Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Jersey on the small screen

The creation of television shows like Jersey Shore, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Jerseylicious and Oxygen's newest TV-turd Jersey Couture have moved the trashier parts of New Jersey to center stage.  While each of those shows highlight's the state's goofier characters it has many residents up in arms over the negative depiction of life in the garden state.

Personally, I couldn't have any less sympathy for the angry.  Get over yourselves.  No one honestly believes that everyone in New Jersey wanders around sporting a Brooklyn Blowout ,chugging down vodka and red bull while spouting about how great their mama's meatballs are.  But there are some in New Jersey who do act like that.

I know this because I've been to Seaside Heights on a Saturday night.  And don't give me the, "they're from New York" line,  I've seen just as many Jersey license plates there.

All stereotypes are rooted in some element of truth and every state has to deal with things they're not proud of.  After all,  I'm from the same region as this guy and he won a seat in the the U.S. House of Representatives:

Cooter gets er done.

Who knows, maybe this woman will be our next president:

Snooki.  Hail to the Chief y'all.

What some real life examples of stereotypes I get to deal with?

The winner gets a jug of moonshine and sex with his sister.

I've actually seen this dude driving...slowly.

A peaceful Sunday morning in the south.

And of course, who could forget this wonderful part of southern culture:

I especially love the ninja in the middle.

So what's my point? Every place has to deal with stupid stereotypes and the people that believe them.  Yours are hilarious, mine are just sad.  Get over it New Jersey. Nobody really gives a shit but you. 

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